Let's talk about spending

Shop around

It’s natural to ignore the cost of the little things, especially when what we are buying isn’t that much fun. A little shopping around can add up to a big difference.

When those big bills come around like car and home insurance, gas, electricity, mobile phone, it can be worth comparing prices to make sure you get the best deal. They’re not the most exciting things, but a little effort may mean that you’ve more money for the fun things in life.

Saving through banking

You can save money by banking differently too. Contactless is quick and easy and cheaper than getting cash out at a machine. Another example is making sure that you have enough money for your direct debits to clear so that you can avoid unneccessary charges. A good idea is to arrange your direct debits to come out the same day you get paid.

Online banking is also a great way to take control of your money. What used to mean a trip to a branch is now at your fingertips. You can save, transfer, pay and borrow online in seconds.

Managing your money

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